Sunday, June 10, 2012

Day 26-Rubble rubble rubble!

This morning, I was walking in a nearly giddy state. Moving through my neighborhood, listening to birds, and thinking about how, later today, I get to meet someone I greatly admire.

In fact, she's one of my heros. 

Katy Bowman, the scientist behind the Restorative Exercise Institute, whose work is the reason I can walk down the stairs like a 20 year old instead of my formerly poopy 41-year-old-I-can't-bend-my-knees-without-crunching-sailor-roll. 

Close your eyes and imagine that one for a second. 

So, I get to take a class from her, and I'm walking, and getting excited...and then little bits of worry started to sneak in to my giddy-stroll. 

Will I geek out so badly when I meet her that I won't be able to pay attention in class? 

Will I open my mouth to say something witty and only drool spills out?
Hi! I'm...

What if, what if...and before I even knew what was happening, I was worrying about money, getting cranky about an unresolved discussion with a loved one, getting pissed about all the squished worms and snails and slugs on the road. 
It just turned into a neg-a-walk, and it sucked. Me getting geeky-happy about meeting my favorite biomechanist was long gone.!...pffftt!!....bleh....grrr...ehhh!

Once it hit me that I was NOT enjoying something I enjoy every single day, 
I keyed in to how I got there, and lo and behold, I think I figured it out!


Fear can run in behind you, jam its foot in the door and keep it pried open for all manner of nasty, negative thoughts to run in to your happy head home. 

It's like the freakin' Hamburgler. 
This picture only works if you imagine that the burgers=happiness. It's figurative, by the way.
Not cool. 
But weirdly powerful. 

I was scared about acting like a moron or somehow messing up meeting one of my heroes, and it jumped right into things that aren't so shiny about my life. 

So, the next time a sneaky fear creeps into your brain-box and starts tossing your happy-furniture like a bratty rock star with poorly resolved esteem issues, stop. Acknowledge its presence, and why it came in, and then send in the good guys to shoo it out and bring back the happy thoughts. 
Logistically, my arm can't reach my face to put these glasses on!  What the hell?!

Okay, maybe not him. You'll have to be your own champion here, but that's why God gave you you. 

Stop, acknowledge, and shoo. How to shoo? Don't fixate on the fear itself, but back-track to the happy spot that brought it out in the first place.You WERE enjoying yourself at some point, so head back there and find a chaise lounge that is in a good spot and stay there awhile. 

Negativity is a completely unproductive element/emotion/state. Worry only acts like it is important, but if you pick it apart, what has it done for you lately?


Kiss kiss, 

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