The 52 foot bones make up for almost 25 percent of all the bones in your body.
For reals.
Look at the picture.
The human foot has 26 foot bones, 33 joints, 107 ligaments, 19 muscles and tendons. These intricately designed structures have the potential to be as dextrous as your fingers. When I was a kid, I could scoop up peanuts with my toes and put them in my mouth! I could hold a stemmed wineglass steady in my toes and bring it to my mouth to drink. Of course, I wasn't drinking wine, but a stem glass was easier to hold than a tumbler.
How often do you consider your feet? When they ache? When you need a pedicure?
Where would you be without them?
(I'm pausing dramatically and frowning a little so you can really digest the gravity of this issue.)
I'm going to gradually enlighten you about your feet. I want you to reconnect with your feet. I want you to love, love, LOVE your feet. And then I want you to start taking care of them like you take care of something you love.
So, for today and until I write about your feet again, consider this: Your fingers can do many, many wonderful things. Play piano, pick your nose, knit, draw, flip the bird, type, write, craft, build...on and on and on.
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Forget pulling out your wedgie with these suckers! |
BUT...if I put thick, heavy mittens on your hands, how much of that stuff could you do? Make it leather mittens that prohibit the movement of your fingers up and down, side to side? Dang it, that pretty much reduces us to crouching in the corner, banging our heads against the wall until an orderly comes to feed us our pudding cup, no?
Try this, please: with your shoes on, move your toes up and down.
How's that?
Now take your shoes off and move your toes up and down. Do your feet move with them? Can you move your toes independently of your feet and then, independently of each other?
What if that seriously reduced dexterity and movement was occurring in your fingers? You'd poop yourself, I bet. I know I would.
And good luck wiping with mitten hands.
Don't fail your feet. If you do, and they fail you, here's what's next:
And I'm pretty sure Zappos doesn't have free delivery on these. Yet.
We'll talk more, much, much more about your feet and how you can reclaim what you were born with. I just wanted to really, truly consider your feet for a few days.
In tough love,
Okay! Just back from the store with my first pair of fivefingers walking shoes. The young man who helped me suggested denture cleaning products to keep the smell away :) Wish me luck!