Monday, June 25, 2012

Day 41-Frackin' Word Problems? Math? Wha'?

1)  Dani is a 41-year old female. For the past 41 days, Dani has only been wearing shoes with a neutral heel. She has not been contorting her skeleton with shoes, thereby allowing her natural, proper alignment to restore. This is represented as a.

She has also been walking every day for 41 days, allowing her negative-heel- wearing-ass to experience more complete and natural leg, gluteal and foot muscle development. This proper muscle use also allows lymph and blood to properly move through the body. Her strong, aligned legs are represented by b.

Dani began a part-time job yesterday at a local cafe. She did this to pay off some bills and foot the rest of her Restorative Exercise Institute tuition. This belongs to a whole other math problem, so disregard that. However, this new job entailed a standing on her feet for 7 hours, wearing her silly monkey-toe shoes, and never once letting her keister hit the wooden seat of a chair. This is represented by c.

For the last 30 years, the typical result of is aching back, stiff, sore legs and burning, semi-crippled feet. This will be d.

The equation:

d, because a + b

And if that weren't cool enough, after completing c , a was able to go grocery shopping, then clean the house for 2.5 hours, and never once felt like sitting down and resting her legs. 

Wouldn't you like to be a Pepper, too? It does not take a genius.

Yours in barefoot goodness, 

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