Friday, June 15, 2012

Day 31-Is a mental roundhouse kick to the head your best choice?

I'm a Pollyanna and I'm okay with that. I am one of the most positive people I know.

However, I'm not blissfully-unaware-of-the-world-around-me-and-that's-how-I'm-so-happy-Pollyanna-ish. I know it gets poopy out there. 

No, the thing I like about happiness is the choice, and also the lack of outside resistance. Allow me to illustrate:

If I want to steal your hamburger, and I walk over to your table and snatch that burger right off your plate, you have some choices to make: you can roll over and show your belly and let me take the burger OR you can throw a roundhouse kick to my head and fight for the right to get that burger back into your own belly. 

So, I would WANT your burger, but you could FIGHT against my desire to have it.There's nothing I could do to control the outcome.

Alles klar?


Here's another:

Perhaps I wanted to get in line ahead of you at the DMV because I'm late for an appointment, and I could politely ask you to give up your place for me. You could be kind and let me, or if you're in your own sort of hurry, you could argue that and refuse my request. 

So, I would WANT your spot and you could ARGUE against that request. Again, there's nothing I could do to control that outcome.

It could go either way. 
Here's the cool thing about choosing to be happy: no one can argue your choice or desire, only you. Do you want to be happy about a situation? The only resistance will be living inside your head, which is WAY EASIER to control than any outside forces, circumstances or people. 

Isn't that deceptively simple? 

Yes, bad stuff happens to all of us. Scary stuff. Sad stuff. Overwhelming stuff. 
That is totally out of our control. 
The only thing in our control is that choice for happiness, and no one, I mean BUT NO ONE, can argue your choice. Only you. So make the choice and then support yourself.  Why argue with yourself about being happy?

I love that freedom of choice, and the fact that I can fully support myself in that choice.

We're going camping this weekend, which is GREAT for walking, but maybe not so great for being able to post my blog. So if it's not up, it means nothing more than I'm off-line. 

Enjoy your weekend walks,

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