Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day 44-Morning has broken, so has the husband...

Morning is my time. I'm a morning person, happy to be an early riser. Although, the last two weeks since summer started, I have been sleeping in a little until 6:30 AM. Today was my usual 5 AM roll call, and I made it, no problem.

Mornings are special for many reasons, and you early risers know what I'm talking about--birds, quiet, smells...the special baby nursery colors of the sky.

For years, I lived with a someone who despised mornings and didn't get up until 1 PM. I wasn't allowed to talk to him until 2 PM and he couldn't function fully until 4. Blech. It was not a match made in heaven, for sure. He got the boot. 

I traded him for this:

And this:

I got a good deal. 

Fortunately, my fella likes mornings, too. And, he also has a boot!

He fractured his foot last Friday, and walked around on it like Quasimoto for almost a week. Finally went to see Trapper John, MD, and got this neat shoe.

I feel bad for him, and lucky for me. That boot was NOT made for walkin'. I'm glad my feet aren't fractured. I LIKE my walks. A lot. 

Poor guy. I'm going to buy him a cane at the Rotary Auction this weekend. 

So, by now you've made it this far and realized "Holy cow, this blog is truly about nothing today!"

You are correct. 

I was going to try for the profound blog post, but it's not there today. I walked. It was good. The sky was pink, blue and orange and we're lucky that we've lived another day. Please, go outside and talk your walk. I guarantee, you will benefit. 


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