Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Day 35---Old Boots and all.

I almost always take my walk before noon. Don't know why, it's just how it works out. Today I didn't. I slept in (!), worked some, ran Kamp Momma (it's what my kids do all summer instead of going to pricey camps!), and worked some more. As I was driving home after errands, I realized that SOMETHING was MISSING. 

Oh. That. 

So I grabbed the mutts and hit the pavement and did my walk, a little freaked out that I almost forgot. I mean, c'mon, I've got to walk every day for a whole year! How lame would that be if I blew it at Day 35? 

Back to the walk: I'm walking and walking and all of a sudden, I feel easy and soft, like I just slipped my favorite jeans on. The freaked-out-I've-got-to-get-this-done feeling fell off me like hair falls to the barber shop floor, and I felt terrific. Hey, I'd already felt good to begin with today, but that walk was like slipping on soft, old pliable leather boots that are perfectly broken in--it just felt right.

Which leads me to this very absolute and scientific conclusion: if you're not walking every single day, you're missing out on the cheapest, most wholesome, best way in the world to feel good.  

I didn't take this picture, but I'm going to pretend I did. 
Forget the spa, forget the pedicure, forget your iPhone, forget the vodka, forget shopping, forget Cheetos, forget anything that you think you need to feel good and just try replacing it with a nice, old-fashioned walk. If you do not feel markedly better after 3 days of walking, then I will give you your money back. 

Walk on, Hard Walker!

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