Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Day 28--Lymph Labyrinth...say it five times fast!

Yesterday in HoopFit class, I was telling one of my students about this blog/project, and she asked, "Oh, do you even walk when you're sick?"

"I dunno," I replied, "I haven't been sick yet!"

This, of course, was code for: Haha, Universe, you big dumb donkey! I have not been sick yet! Make me sick. Okay, you cosmic butthead??

Woke up today with my body on fire, woke up today with my body on fire. 

So, I'm a little fluish today. And I have to walk, right? I got a blog, man, I HAVE to walk. 

It was a short walk. After all, I AM sick. 

But something sort of cool began to happen a few minutes in. 

I began to feel better. I don't think it's just the fresh air or light rain. I suspect---and I'm no scientist---that this pick-up in health was due to the circulation of lymph. 

Lymph, you ask?

Yes. Your lymph system is basically your body's sewer system. It takes blurgy, blechy waste AWAY from your cells and out of your body. When you exhale, poop, scrub your skin, sweat or pee, out goes waste. Courtesy of Mr. Lymphy.

Nice, huh? I think that the waste produced by the icky bug inside my body was building up while I sat with my recovering daughter (yes, she was sick yesterday) and was then carried out of my cells when I started walking.

Something to note: The lymphatic system has no pump, such as the heart, to make it circulate. Instead, lymphatic fluid is circulated as a side effect of the heartbeat and muscle movement. Guess what I'm going to say next.

Did you know that walking is the premier way to move lymph through your body, so that it can grab that waste from your blood and get it out? 

Now you do. 

Walk today, so that you can tomorrow.


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